YOU ARE GOD(2020-)
手のひらに乗るサイズのオモチャに収集意欲が湧いて、ガラクタ、ミニチュアなどを高校時代から集め 約20年経つ。
例えば、そこでは十字架をスコップのように使用し、砂を移動させたり、仏壇は砂を入れるケースとして扱われる。一方ではスーパーマンにハイヒールを履かせる。我々が認知している記号性は、子供達にとって全く無意味であり、 大人が知らない使い方を教えてくれる。美しくきれいな風景が箱の内部に立ち上がったとしても、一瞬で破壊され、全く違う物語がまたつくられ更新されていく。つくられてゆく世界は複雑で、脆く、儚い。子供たちがつくりあげた箱の中の「自然」を、私は記録し、「人工」的に絵画にした。
〈YOU ARE GOD〉2021年
It has been almost 20 years since I first became interested in collecting toys that could fit in my hand, and I began collecting toys and pieces of junk when I was in high school.
During this exhibition, I met some children (preschool to elementary school students) and had them build their own worlds using these toys. I refer to Sandplay Therapy that was advocated by C.G. Jung, Hayao Kawai, and others as a way of depicting a world and ask children to create their worlds using toys, pieces of junk, and sand. I collected all the toys used and divided them into different groups. We then wait until they build their worlds while listening to their explanation of the story they are creating. The children also decide when to finish, and the adults should not interfere unnecessarily.
Some children use a cross as a shovel to move sand or as a case to put sand into a Buddhist altar. The nature of signs that exist there is completely meaningless to the children, who teach us a new way of using an item. The worlds that they gradually create are complex, fragile, and ephemeral. I record the “nature” in a box created by children and turn it into a painting “artificially.” This will become a project that questions whom the scenery formed there is made by, who is making it, and whom the creation belongs to.